Important tests are approaching. Your dreadful roommate Concerned about credit card debt accumulation. For the first time in your life, you are away from your family. These and a slew of other challenges can cause university students to become stressed, making their lives miserable and causing academic problems. This happens a lot more often than most people think.
The infographic below takes an in-depth look at stress in higher education, including a list of symptoms, triggers, and treatment methods. For new freshmen students, upperclassmen, and parents, it is a must-read resource.
Most colleges and universities recognize the high prevalence of mental health disorders among students and attempt to provide a variety of preventative and treatment alternatives, such as counselors, classes, and therapy.
Students’ mental health can benefit by completing modest tasks on their own. Getting enough sleep is one of the most crucial parts of stress reduction, but many college students just do not have the time. Rest, exercise, and a healthy diet can help you enhance your mental and physical health, which can make the difference between academic achievement and failure.
Another reason to focus on efficient coping skills is because people frequently use negative coping techniques, which can exacerbate the stress situation. The problem is becoming worse. Excessive alcohol and drug use, as well as dangerous romantic relationships, are just a few ways that young adults put their lives in jeopardy in an attempt to cope with stress.
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