How did I fix my teeth after an accident? Thanks to Novomed – Dubai for the veneers!

I highly recommend Novomed for veneers in Dubai! I was their patient for like 2 months, and they are really amazing. Their dentists are very talented and they can fix any problem you are facing.

2 months ago, I got a car accident, and my front teeth were broken, so I needed to fix them immediately so I can go back to work after recovery. As my family doctor works at Novomed Centers in Abu Dhabi, I asked him if they have a dentist who can help me with my problem. He gave me the number of his friend, who is a dentist at Novomed, and told me to call him and book an appointment because he is one of the best dentists in dubai..

I called him and told him about my issue, so he booked me an appointment the next day and told me that my case can be fixed and that there is nothing to worry about. I went to see him in his clinic, and he checked my teeth, assessed my case, and suggested that the veneers can be a great choice and the results will be really amazing.

I didn’t know what he was talking about, so I asked him to elaborate more. He explained that the veneers are usually made of porcelain, they are designed to take the shape and color of the teeth, and they can be fixed easily on the teeth. He told me that they are very effective to treat broken teeth, like my case, and they are a good solution for discolored and misshapen teeth.

Honestly, I was amazed by the idea and agreed to do the veneer treatment, so he took my impressions so he can design the veneers. After 3 days he called me that I can pass by to get my veneers fixed, and so I can get back my teeth’ shape and forms. I went to his clinic, and he first applied a special cement to the veneer and place it directly on my teeth. Then, he used a special light on the teeth to make sure the veneer is well cemented.

Once all the veneers are cemented, the dentist removed all the excess cement and made sure my teeth are straight and my smile is correct. The results were amazing and i would recommend them to anyone who is looking for veneers in Dubai.