How Effective Are Masks at Stopping Coronavirus

COVID-19 is not over yet, so it is important to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. We all have witnessed how Coronavirus put a harsh impact on everyone’s life, no matter if it’s any business sector or any individual’s life. A lot of lives we lost in a fight with COVID-19, but researchers believe that number of deaths could have been reduced if the people started following the rules of wearing masks and maintaining social distancing in the first place. Although, wearing a mask does not prevent you from getting infected by the Coronavirus but it can create a barrier to your mouth and nose so that you don’t inhale the infected virus that comes along with the air you breathe.

Here are some reasons how effective are masks at stopping coronavirus.

Professional healthcare staffs use a surgical mask:

“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings,” said Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer, best known for his sententiae.

Doctors and healthcare workers wear surgical masks from a very old time to prevent themselves from respiratory droplets. With the bad impact of COVID-19, the demand for surgical masks increased rapidly. Due to the high demand for surgical masks, there has been a huge shortage of surgical masks for healthcare workers. Different healthcare experts and researchers suggest regulating the surgical mask only for doctors and healthcare workers who are working continuously during the pandemic time. Also, it is suggested that people who are not infected with the COVID-19 should wear a regular cotton mask to reduce the spread of the virus.

Lack of knowledge for disposal of surgical mask:

Surgical masks or disposable masks are mainly used by healthcare staff. If normal people wear a surgical mask, they must gain knowledge about how to properly wear and remove the mask and how to dispose of them.

Well, if an infected person wears a mask and while disposing of the mask they throw it anywhere then it can be dangerous for everyone. The mask contains an infected virus and if any non-infected person touches the mask, they can also get infected. To reduce the spread of unnecessary contamination, it’s important to understand how to properly dispose of a mask.

They help to save money:

As we already told, a mask can not prevent you from the infected virus but it helps in creating a barrier between your mouth and nose so that you don’t inhale any infected virus that comes with air. Wearing a cotton mask can be your best option to reduce the spreading of the virus because they are a reusable and cheap price mask. Make sure to wash the mask properly before using it next time.

UVMask is right now one of the leading mask companies that offer prevention from bacteria and viruses through its UV-C light. The UV Face Mask is added with a double filtration layer to prevent the wearer from inhaling tiny particles of size smaller than 0.3 microns.