How Often Should You Get A Colonoscopy?

Typically, cancer does not bear good news, but colon cancer does. Colon cancer is not only manageable but also curable if detected early enough. As a result, Ven Kottapalli, MD, CNSP, and the knowledgeable and caring staff at GI Physicians Inc. suggest frequent colonoscopies. A colonoscopy in Lima is the most precise and reliable approach to determine whether you have colon cancer or lesions that should be eliminated.

How often should colonoscopy be performed? The answer is contingent on your circumstances, as well as your intestines.

If Your Colon Cancer Risk Is Average:

Suppose you do not have a health record of gastrointestinal illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or a genetic predisposition to colon cancer. In that case, you should undergo your initial colonoscopy at 45 years. Approximately 90% of colorectal malignancies arise over the past 50 years.

A colonoscopy is a procedure whereby your physician puts a small camera into your anus to inspect your colon (large intestine) and rectum. The colonoscope allows the practitioner to see your colon’s lining and discover anomalies like precancerous polyps or malignant tumors.

Although the majority of polyps do not progress to cancer, some do. Throughout your colonoscopy, your specialist eliminates polyps and other odd lesions as a precautionary. Any suspicious tissue is also sent to pathology for study.

If the findings demonstrate you have cancer, they will eliminate the tumor as well as a portion of your colon if necessary. After that, they will recommend you to an oncologist. Nevertheless, if your colon is healthy, you will not require a colonoscopy for another decade.

If You Have Heightened Risk For Colon Cancer:

If you are highly susceptible to colon cancer, your initial colonoscopy must be done well before 45 years. Furthermore, you might need to begin as soon as your teenage years if you have a vast family history of genetic problems that make you more vulnerable to colorectal cancer.

On the other hand, have your first colonoscopy in eight years of being diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).  Additional risk factors for colon cancer include:

  • Radiation therapy to the pelvis or abdomen for other malignancies
  • Family history of Lynch syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
  • Family or individual history of particular forms of polyps

If you have any additional risk factors, consult with your specialist about when you should begin a colonoscopy. Every risk factor determines how regularly you should get a follow-up colonoscopy, presuming the initial one was negative. For example, if you have suffered IBD, it is advised you get follow-up colonoscopies after 1-3 years.

A colonoscopy is suggested starting at 30 years or five years following your treatment for those who have undergone radiation therapy. Follow-up colonoscopies should be done after 3-5 years.

Regardless of how regularly you should get a colonoscopy, the most crucial thing is to have the first one. This initial colonoscopy informs your doctor whether your rectum and colon are healthy or you have precancerous lesions or other anomalies. Remember, the sooner any abnormalities are detected, the sooner you can obtain the therapy you need to restore your wellness. Call the GI Physicians Inc. office for your initial colonoscopy or request an appointment online right away.