Things You Should Know About Same-Day Root Canals


You’ve had this nagging pain in the back of your mouth that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. You know you need to visit the dentist and get a root canal, but you’re not sure what to expect or whether you really have to wait until your next dental appointment to get one done. Here are ten things every patient should know about same day root canal in Bismarck and how they can be extremely beneficial to your oral health.

You Might Need More Than One Appointment

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves the removal of all or part of the tooth’s pulp, the tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. A dentist can perform a same-day root canal if necessary, but it is often preferable to schedule an appointment for a different time so that you can better manage your pain and other symptoms. Below are 10 things you should know about same day root canals:

There are Different Types of Root Canals

There are two main types of root canals: endodontic and surgical. Endodontic root canal treatments are performed on teeth that have a damaged or diseased pulp. These treatments involve removing the pulp, disinfecting the tooth, and filling the roots with materials like gutta-percha and sealant. Surgical root canal treatments are more invasive than endodontic procedures because they involve cutting into the tooth to reach the nerve inside.

There are Risks Associated with the Procedure

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that typically involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth and then filling the root canal with an inert material. There are three different types of root canals: endodontic, periapical, and apicoectomy. Endodontic root canals typically occur when a tooth becomes damaged or decayed in the center. A periapical root canal occurs when there is an infection at the tip of a tooth or on one of its surfaces.


The dentist will numb the tooth with a local anesthetic and make a small opening in the gum. He or she will use tools to clean out the infected tissue and fill the root canal with gutta-percha points and sealer. The dentist may need to remove more tooth structure than normal, but most people can return to work after getting same-day root canal treatment.